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Tips For Surviving Plane Travel with Kids

Tips for Surviving Plane Travel with Kids Travelling with children can be challenging, as any parent knows. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce stress and nervousness. Make sure your family travels safely by following these tips. 1. Book online. Instead of dragging kids into a tourist company where they will get bored as you look at your options with the agency, check out travel websites online. You can spend as much time as you need when the children are in bed or while they are at school. 2. Book everything in advance. That means arranging and paying for airline tickets and a hotel and car. When you get to your destination, there will be no wandering around trying to find space; you will just take the car straight to your hotel. You can even check online a virtual tour of many hotels. 3. Be prepared. Take toys and things to keep your children busy on the plane. For older kids, be amazed at the fun adventure game, the new Game boy cartridge or colouring book. If the plane is too long, buy a few treats in advance and keep them in your carry-on bag, bringing out something new when the kids get bored and whiney. 4. Create anticipation. For children ages 2-10, you can create the idea of ​​flying, especially if they have never been on a plane before. Learn about the type of plane you will be flying and always talk about how exciting it will be before you leave. 5. Pack snacks. Sure, airlines offer snacks, but some companies limit free purchases such as peanuts (which are not suitable for children under 2 years) and cookies. To make sure your child is not waiting for their food, bring a Cheerios or sandwich. 6. Different siblings. If your children frequently argue, it might be best to sit down with them! This keeps them from fighting for at least elbow space and keeps the arms long, so they do not hit each other. Change seats during the flight if a window seat is involved to avoid problems. 7. Play music. Bring an iPod or Walkman for each child to listen to music. It helps to soothe the nerves and keep them busy most of the time! 8. Layer clothes. When flying from one hemisphere to another, climate change must be taken into account. If you are travelling in a warm area, but you will arrive in a cold place, remember to bring sweaters on the plane for everyone. It will not help if you pack them all in suitcases. Also, if you are going to be in a warm place, remember to wear light clothing under your winter clothes. 9. Hold on. Hold on. In a packed airport, it is very easy to elude a little. . Even if you miss seeing your baby for a few seconds, it will give you a heart attack and it is best to avoid the condition. All children under the age of 10 should always be in touch with a parent. If you are of different age, you may be able to delegate to older children to take care of younger ones. This may be a good time to buy a baby harness and use it for toddlers who have a tendency to go astray. 10. Stay clean. In aeroplanes, dehydration is very common as air is re-digested and dried. To avoid this, be sure to drink plenty of water, and your children will drink it. It is especially very important for breastfeeding mothers. 11. Take medication with you. Never leave medicines in your pockets, they can get lost and trying to get another prescription can be a real problem when you are away from home. Even over-the-counter medications such as cough medicine and allergies should be included in your luggage, the last thing you want to do when you arrive in search of Benadryl. 12. Fly at night. If you are carrying a baby, it is usually a good idea to take a night flight so that the baby can sleep during the whole flight. This may work for older children, too! 13. Keep children busy. Bring paper and crayons to make cards and drawings for loved ones. These make great gifts if you are going to spend time with family or friends. If not, it could be the beginning of a travel journal that will be shared with friends when they return. 14. Make it fun. Look through the windows in the clouds and see what you see, animals, castles, etc. What would your children do if they were sitting on the clouds? Ask your supervisor if your children can visit the cockpit to see how the plane is operating and tell them everything about it when they return. Many long-haul flights are absolutely essential for children to visit with pilots for a few minutes once they reach the peak of travel. 15. Play games. There are many travel games that can be customized to fit the aircraft. Word games are best for this, they can be kept quiet and distract children. Memory games keep kids busy trying to remember the order of things so they forget to fight or wrap up. 16. Take shifts. If you are travelling with your spouse or another adult, it is a good idea to take a break with the kids. While one adult sits with them in the waiting area, playing a game, the other can go to pick up tickets and make other arrangements. The same goes for taking your luggage and finding a rented car. Travelling by airplane should not be a nightmare if you prepare well in advance. You know exactly what your kids like to do and what kind of things will distract them, these should be your surprises. For example, if you know that your son likes Spy books, get a new one to watch on the plane. And if your daughter wants to get a new cd